What’s The Percolate?

Not much, what’s the percolate with you?

If you’re still here, I’m Meera, and I’ve been masquerading as a person for 40 years. What am I doing here? More pressingly, what am I doing? I am doing my best to find out, and I write about it as I get some inklings. These inklings are often red herrings and misdirections, but they are replete with insights nonetheless, and those are always worth sharing.

For a time, I took my writing terribly seriously. It had to matter, to be significant. But these days, it feels more like musing into the void. Is anybody there? And occasionally, yes, there are echoes, which means I get feedback—which means it’s not just me. That is the best feeling of all.

It’s called The Percolate because this is my effort to distill all the murky things in my mind into a clear offering I can share with you, and also because I love filter coffee.

IDK who needs to hear this, but…

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Filtered ruminations.


A writer. I think.